We help fund and scale great companies.

Startup. Incubate. Scale.

The above is what we do – you have the startup, we have the setup and the funding – Why not combine these two? Scale Incubator provides funding, backoffice, office, network and a lot more – So you can scale your passion – Your startup. 

investing in people first. Then product

ScaleINVEST in three steps

Finding the right startup

We have one of the best networks in the area, so we are always in dialogue with some great startups – We interview, we track and we help the best we can (before investing!). Eventually the moment of truth is upon us – is there a great match between Scale Incubator and the start-up? We make sure, that we are the suitable match, before we offer a spot in our incubator. 

Join forces

We have done this before, we know the journey you are going on and we have set one of the strongest setup out there. We have a substantial skillful team, we have the network, we have the office – Everything is ready. We are going to guide you, help you and set the right direction with you – on your terms and your vision. Hands-on help in marketing, legal and accounting, help with funding, you will get an office place, and get access to the other companies as well. As we say; You get a work family.

The journey

First of all; We are an active partner in your startup. We are going to be dedicated, we are going to be in the same boat together and we are going to help with hands on activity. We have chosen to partner up together for a reason – To be together on the journey. The journey will depend on you – Sometimes the big funding rounds are the right move to create a market leading company, but sometimes creating a positive cashflow on an earlier stage in an organic growth is the best way to go. We can handle both at Scale Incubator. 

What we bring to the table

As an active member of our portfolio companies journey, we want to help them grow and succeed. It’s that simple. As a part of Scale Inkubator startups will get access to the following focus areas:


Access to several over founders on the office, a dedicated network who always want to help and team members to support you.


A active marketing team who can help you get launch, set up your PPC-setup, SoMe and graphic work – 360 degree support.


Scale incubator supports startups with their first fundding. We also help applying for soft funding-opportunities and programs.

Back office

We help you with all the bored stuff as well – Setting up company, doing the accounting setup, help you with contracts and everything in between.


We always deploy our great network into the portfolio – That way you always have access to investors, accelerators and Business angels. 


We help you with the legal setup, so your legal documents are correct and you are doing business with high standards going forward.